privacy policy

Our office abides by laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information and declares that we will conduct our business in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Law regarding the processing and protection of personal information.

1. Collection, use and provision of personal information
We will establish a system to protect and manage personal information, and formulate and comply with regulations regarding the appropriate collection, use and provision. 

2. Security measures for personal information
We will take reasonable measures to deal with personal information risks (unauthorized access to personal information, loss, damage, and alteration of personal information) and ensure the security and accuracy of personal information.

3. Comply with laws and regulations regarding personal information
We will always understand the laws and regulations regarding personal information and comply with their contents. 

4.Continuously improve personal information protection management
In order to properly protect personal information, we will always strive to improve and enhance our efforts.

5. Contact information related to personal information protection
TEL: 044-589-5765 FAX: 044-589-7685

Solicitation Policy

About selling and soliciting to customers

In accordance with the Financial Services Provision Act, we have established the following solicitation policy and strive to conduct appropriate insurance product sales activities. 

1. We will comply with the "Financial Services Provision Act", "Consumer Contract Act", "Personal Information Protection Act" and other laws and regulations, and strive to sell insurance correctly. 

2. We will strive to guide and educate recruiters to help them understand and thoroughly understand our recruitment policies. 

3. We will use an important matter explanation sheet to explain the content of the insurance product and important matters related to the contract, and strive to allow customers to fully understand before signing the contract. We will also endeavor to provide appropriate explanations based on the form of the sale. 

4. When selling or soliciting insurance, we will not solicit at a time or place that may cause inconvenience to customers. 

5. When an insurance accident occurs, we will try our best to pay the insurance claim promptly and properly. 

6. Recognizing the importance of privacy protection, we will strive to properly and strictly manage customer information. 

7. We will strive to respond to customer inquiries quickly, appropriately and courteously. 

8. We will strive to collect customer opinions and reflect them in future insurance product improvements and sales activities.

*For an overview of the Financial Services Provision Act, please refer to the Financial Services Agency’s homepage.

Regarding the processing of personal information

1. Purpose of use of customer personal information

① We use real estate information to search for business partners.

② Property information will be used for online advertisements, flyers, etc. 

③ We may register real estate information in the designated distribution organization's property search system (Rains) in order to search for transaction partners. After the contract is signed, the designated distribution organization (an organization designated by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism under the Real Estate Transaction Business Act) will receive contract information (contract information includes the property summary, contract date, contract date, etc.) of the contracted property. (Prices and other information, but does not include your name.) We, as a designated distribution organization, are designated as specified in the Real Estate Transaction Business Act, such as providing property information and contract information in electronic data or paper media to real estate transaction companies and public organizations that are members of the designated distribution organization. It will be used for the operations of the distribution organization.

④This information will be used to find candidates for real estate sales contracts or lease contracts, sign sales, leases, brokerage, management and other contracts, and provide services according to the contracts.

⑤ When it comes to management, it is used to fulfill the management contract signed with the apartment management association, etc.

⑥ Information about the company and its partners, product delivery, related after-sales services, management and maintenance and other business notifications that may be useful to customers related to the above ① to ⑤ businesses.

⑦According to the provisions of Article 49 of the Real Estate Transaction Business Act, account books and related materials shall be kept. 

⑧ Used for price evaluation of real estate sales, leasing, etc. Contract information used for valuation may be provided to the intermediary client as the "basis of opinion" stipulated in Article 34-2, Paragraph 2 of the Real Estate Transaction Business Act. 

⑨ We will provide your information to the third parties listed in item 3 below.

2. Personal information held by the office and purpose of use

① Our office is responsible for handling real estate transactions with our office, including potential tenants and tenants of rental properties, applicants and buyers of properties for sale, and real estate owners entrusted with management or intermediary services. We also hold personal information recorded on the application form, contracts received from rights holders, etc., as well as personal information obtained through other appropriate means. 

② Personal information will be used to perform contracts with customers, manage contracts for leasing transactions, and provide post-contract management and after-sales services for sales transactions. 

③ Our office may send emails directly to clients to introduce our services in other real estate fields, as well as the products and services of our affiliated companies that may be useful to clients. We will use personal information such as address, name, phone number and email address. At the request of the customer, the use for this purpose will be cancelled.

3. Providing personal information to third parties

Personal information held by our office will be used in accordance with the nature of the business to perform contracts with customers, manage contracts for rental transactions, and provide post-contract management and after-sales services for sales transactions. Your name, address, phone number, date of birth, real estate information, contract information, etc. will be provided to the following third parties ① to ⑪ in writing, email, phone, Internet, email, advertising media, etc. Please note that if we receive a customer's request, we will stop providing this service.

① A person or potential person who becomes the counterparty to a contract upon entrustment by the customer. 

②Other real estate agents. 

③ Enterprises and organizations that publish online advertisements and other advertisements. 

④ Designated dealer (when a real estate dealer signs an exclusive brokerage contract or an exclusive brokerage contract, it must register with the designated dealer and notify the contract information in accordance with the provisions of the Real Estate Transaction Business Act). 

⑤Judicial scriveners, land and house surveyors, and real estate appraisers related to registration and evaluation. 

⑥ Financial institutions related to financing, etc. 

⑦ Management company when it is necessary to manage the subject real estate. 

⑧ When the office is responsible for management, the person in charge of the outsourcing company, the financial institution that draws the management fee, or the management association specified in the description of important matters in the management contract. 

⑨Credit bureaus conduct credit inquiries on potential tenants (if necessary). 

⑩If the tenant defaults on rent, the arrears collector will be responsible.

⑪ Partners of our office who are considered useful to our clients.

4. Personal information protection measures

①We regularly conduct personal information protection training for office staff and strictly manage customer personal information. 

② Take necessary security management measures for the office’s database, etc.

5. Outsourcing of personal information processing

When the processing of personal data held by the Company is outsourced in whole or in part, we will enter into the necessary contracts and carry out appropriate management and supervision.

6. Shared use of personal information

When jointly using customers' personal information, we will take necessary measures in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act.

7. Disclosure, correction, cessation of use and other requests for personal information and handling of complaints

The inquiry and consultation window regarding the handling of customers’ personal information is as follows. 

[Various inquiries and inquiry counters] 
TEL: 044-589-5765 FAX: 044-589-7685

[Personal information processing business] 
Postal code: 212-0058
Address: 3-6-21 Kashimada Saiwai-ku,Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken 212-0058 Japan
Office name: Sunny Fudosan Residential

About cookies and access logs

This website is operated and managed by Sunny Fudosan Residential(hereinafter referred to as "Office"). When using our website and our website, please read the following terms of use carefully and agree to them before using this website.

In addition, if our website has separate terms of use, please read and agree to them carefully before using our website. Please note that if you use this website, you agree to all of the Terms of Use.

Please note that our website's terms of use may change as necessary, so please review the terms and conditions each time you use our website.

About cookie handling

Certain parts of our office website send and receive messages called cookies in order to provide services to our customers. We mainly use cookies for the following purposes.

  • Personal information is used to provide various input assistance for member services such as websites and smartphone apps, and to customize content distribution such as advertisements and emails, as well as display information, etc., in accordance with individual customer usage.
  • Use this information for statistical purposes without identifying individuals.
  • Cookies are only used to provide services to customers and analyze usage, and will not be used for any other purpose.

In addition, based on the situation of entrusting a third party to publish advertisements, cookie information may be stored and referenced through the third party. If you do not want to provide such information, you can set up your own settings to disable the use of cookies, but in this case you may not be able to accept some of the website's services.

What are cookies?
In order to operate the Internet efficiently, this information is exchanged between the web server and the customer's browser, and may be stored on the information terminal used by the customer.

Among the information provided using cookies, we may obtain the historical records of the user's operation on the website, such as age, gender, occupation, area of ​​residence, and other attribute information that cannot identify an individual (limited to information that cannot be combined to identify an individual), terminal information, etc. (Visited URL, content, reference sequence, etc.) and location information based on the user's consent/application when using a smartphone, etc. However, cookies do not contain any personal information, such as email address or name. In addition, in order to provide more personalized services in membership services, email distribution, etc., we may link information that identifies customers.

About access logs

Our office's website records information about accessed customer computers in the form of access logs. We mainly use access logs for the following purposes.

  • Determine and resolve the cause of web server problems.
  • Improve the website to better meet your needs.
  • Use website usage information for statistical purposes without identifying individuals.
  • Content distribution such as advertisements, emails, display messages on customized websites, membership services, email distribution, etc.

What are access logs?
It refers to the domain name, IP address, files accessed, operating system and browser type used, access time and other information used by customers when visiting. Please note that when associating information with information that identifies a customer, it may be customized using past behavioral history, etc. When personal information becomes identifiable when combined with customer information, we will manage it in accordance with our website and our personal information protection policy.